Meet Sugu
"I don´t stress much about how my body looks like anymore, but about how it performs, which I think is a healthy relationship"
1. What do you think is the answer to all girls being able to accept their bodies for what they are (an ever changing organism capable of anything) at a young age?
Being inspired by women who are great for what they do and not for how they look like. With more and more women breaking grounds and killing it at what they do - which is much more than just being pretty - hopefully new generations will grow looking up to women who are writers, directors, musicians, athletes...and who come in different shapes, sizes and colour. We've been for too long shown in the media only images of "perfect women" (perfect as in the stereotype imposed by patriarchy) and it´s time to move away from this!!
2. Do you like your body? Would you say your relationship with your body is considered “healthy”?
Yes I do! It´s taken me ages but I finally do. With time I've learnt that we´re all bones and skin and flesh and hair! We may have more of one and less of another than the person next to you, but what really matters after all is what that body can do as a whole, as a human. I don´t stress much about how my body looks like anymore, but about how it performs, which I think is a healthy relationship. I want to be capable of skating hard and fast, taking hits and being able to get up again and again, so I try to look after my body so that it is able to do these things!
3. What has brought you to the conclusion that you like/dislike your body?
Realising that I appreciate my body for what it can do instead of paying attention to fitting in a certain size of pants or weighing a certain amount of kilos.
4. What do you do to make yourself feel good?
Nothing beats going for a good skate session and having a delicious filling meal (and maybe some drinks) afterwards! The mix of tired muscles, adrenalin, full belly and satiated thirst...pure bliss!
5. Do you like to define yourself by anything in particular? Like being a good dancer, artist, writer etc.
I like to think that I rollerskate better than most average humans (although there´s a bunch of humans that skate better than I do and are obviously my idols).
6. What’s the “big thing” you want the world to know about you, if anything?
I've never known how to cartwheel.
7. What would you deem to be your biggest challenge in life so far?
I think moving to Australia by myself was a big deal for me. I had never travelled by myself previously. It took me months to find my place and my people, but haven´t let them go since I found them!
8. Where do you feel most at home, outside of the place that you are currently living?
Hanging out at my Grandma´s back in Spain.
9. Do you think women have a particularly special bond with nature? If so, how would you describe this bond, and what relationship do you personally have with nature?
I've always been amazed at how our average menstrual cycle is of 28 the moon! I personally love the sense of freedom in nature. Going camping and not showering or looking at myself in a mirror for days, swimming naked and getting sun all over my body.
10. What song or album can you always put on to bring you back to yourself?
Anything by Las Rodilleras